LH810 Pruning Maples$39 Instructor: Pete Churgel Saturday, March 19th 9:30a.m.- 12:30p.m.
LH804 Pruning Flowering Trees & Shrubs $39 Instrutor: Jocelyn Cohen Saturday, March 26th 9:30a.m.- 12:30p.m.
LH831 Pruning CA Native Trees & Shrubs$39 Instructor: Jocelyn Cohen Saturday, April 9th 9:30a.m.- 12:30p.m.
* LH891 Art of the Laceleaf Maple$39 Instructor: Yuki Nara Saturday, April 16th 9:30a.m.- 12:30p.m. LH811A Pruning Pines$39 Instructor: Bill Castellon Saturday, May 8th 9:30a.m.- 12:30p.m.
Merritt College Landscape Horticulture Department
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