Tomato plants prefer full sun, at least 6 hours if possible. Well-drained, rich soil is ideal. Regular watering is okay. Drip irrigation is a better option than sprinklers, as overhead watering can lead to fungal and bacterial issues. Cut back on watering once the plants begins to fruit. Doing so helps the fruit develop a stronger flavor.
Add compost to the soil before planting tomatoes. Plant them in soil, up to their bottom leaves. Provide 2-3 foot spacing between each plant. Make sure there is good air circulation. Be sure to mulch underneath tomatoes, or keep the garden bed weed free. Fertilize weekly with fish emulsion if possible. Rotate crops each season to avoid diseases.
Early season tomatoes, that take 65 days or less to mature, work well for cooler areas. Fruits tend to be smaller. For gardeners with longer and hotter growing seasons, try growing mid-season and late season tomatoes. Mid-season fruits mature at 65-80 days. Late season tomatoes grow for 80 days or longer before maturing. Larger tomatoes are produced. If one can grow more than one type, there will be tomatoes throughout the season.
Heirloom tomatoes are quite popular as they are open-pollinated and sweeter tasting than hybrid tomatoes. Hybrid tomatoes tend to be bred for taste, appearance or disease resistance.
Tomatoes come in a wide range of colors, from green, orange, pink, purple, red, yellow. The fruit can be round, oval, squat, large or tiny. Eaten fresh, used as a paste or sauce, stuffed, baked or fried, tomatoes are a nutritious culinary delight.
Keep in mind that tomatoes can ripen off the vine, if picked before they're mature. However, they tend to be sweeter if picked after ripening.
Tomatoes (Determinate)
Tomato 'Super Bush'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Super Bush'
Lifespan: Annual hybrid. 75 days (after transplanting).
Height/width: 2.5- 3' tall
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil. Regular water.
Description: Warm season crop. Sweet, juicy tomatoes. Slicing, salads, sandwiches. Determinate. Fusarium 1, Nematodes and Verticillium 1 resistant. Need staking or a tomato cage for support. Garden, raised beds, patio containers, large pots.
Harvest time: When fruit is red. Store on the counter or table.
Tomatoes (Indeterminate)
Indeterminate tomatoes continue to fruit and grow until the end of the season. They can grow in containers, although are happier in the ground.
Tomato 'Chadwick's Cherry'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Chadwick's Cherry'
Lifespan: Annual
Origin: California
Height/width: 5-7' tall. Needs support- trellis, cage, or staking.
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil. Transplant outdoors once night temps are 55°F and above.
Description: Heirloom. Prolific sweet cherry tomato. 1" juicy red fruit. Indeterminate. Eat off the vine, or put in salads. Disease resistant. Cultivar created by Alan Chadwick, a renowned organic gardening instructor and developer of the Biodynamic French Intensive Method.
Harvest time: 70 days after transplant
Tomato 'Garden Candy'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Garden Candy'
(Sungold F-1, Supersweet 100 F-1, Sweet Gold F-1)
Lifespan: Annual.
Height/width: 5-7' tall
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil.
Description: Bite-sized cherry tomatoes. Fruits early. Indeterminate. Fusarium, TMV and Verticilium resistant. Salads, for snacking, sautéing.
Harvest Time: 65 days until maturity
Tomato 'Super Sweet 100'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Super Sweet 100'
Lifespan: Annual hybrid. 60 days.
Height/width: 8-12' tall, 18" spacing.
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil.
Description: Huge clusters of flavorful cherry tomatoes. Bite-sized. Salads, snacking, juicing. Full of Vitamin C. Indeterminate vine. High yields. Fusarium wilt and verticillium wilt resistance. Needs staking, tomato cage or trellis for support. Garden bed, container, raised bed.
Harvest time: Pick when red and ripe, or pick a little early for letting it vine-ripen indoors.
Tomato 'Jubilee'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Jubilee'
Lifespan: Annual. 80 days (after transplanting).
Height/width: 5 feet tall. 2' spacing.
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil. Regular water.
Description: Heirloom. Indeterminate vine. High yield. Mild flavor. 8oz golden-yellow fruit. Have less acid than red tomatoes. Add to salsa, salads, sandwiches.
Harvest time: Once fruit is totally yellow and plump.
Tomato 'Stupice'
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Solanum lycopersicum 'Stupice'
Lifespan: Annual.
Origin: Czech Republic
Height/width: 5-7' tall. Will need staking or cage for support.
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil. Regular water. Cold tolerant.
Description: Compact, indeterminate vine. 2" tomatoes grow in clusters. Early bearing heirloom, fruits throughout the season. High yield. Tangy, sweet taste. Great in container. Used in sauces, soups, in tarts.
Harvest time: 65-70 days after transplanting.
Tomato 'Tangerine'
Sold out
Solanum lycopersicum 'Tangerine'
Lifespan: Annual
Height/width: 5-7' tall. 12-18" spacing.
Culture: Full sun. Well-drained soil. Transplant outdoors once night temps are 55°F and above.
Description: Heirloom slicing tomato. Orange, large-sized 14 oz fruit. Sweet and complex flavor. Indeterminate. Prolific.
Harvest time: 80 days after transplant.