Aloe Vera
Aloe barbadensis
Lifespan: evergreen perennial
Origin: Arabian peninsula
Height/width: grows a little taller than 2-3 feet.
Culture: Full sun to part-shade. Well-drained, cactus mix or sandy soil. Low water, drought tolerant. Can be found in tropical, subtropical, hot, dry locations. Frost tender.
Description: Fleshy, succulent leaves with toothy margins. May have white speckles on its leaves, ( Aloe vera var. chinensis). Yellow flower grows on a spike. Produces pups. Ornamental.
Flowering time: Summer
Rock, low water garden, container, can be grown indoors.
Uses: Sap used medicinally for sunburns, and other skin issues. Added to cosmetic products for skin and hair.
This plant has received the Royal Horticultural Society's Award of Garden Merit.