- Shrubs & Small Trees
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- Woolly Tea Tree
Woolly Tea Tree
$0.00 - $5.00
per item
Leptospermum lanigerum
Lifespan: Perennial evergreen shrub
Origin: New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Tasmania and Victoria
Height/width: Over 9' tall, 6.5' wide.
Culture: Full sun- sun. Well-drained sandy or loam soil. Moist soil. Wind and drought tolerant. Frost and snow hardy. Montane forest, coastal areas.
Description: Soft downy, grey leaves.Leaves used for tea. Woody fruits, smooth bark. When trimming, do not cut back into old wood. For a bushier look, tip prune. Hedge, screen, specimen, woodland garden, edges of bogs or ponds. Windbreak. Erosion control. Wildlife habitat.
Flowering time: white flowers in spring and summer
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